Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cheer up folks…Our voices to go on Air soon…

Mohammed Anvar & Arnima Rao

The top ranked journalism department in the country has added another feather into its crown! Literally, it is going to give voice to the hitherto voiceless.

Think about a voice that will make your morning worth it and fill you in with information about today’s programmes on the campus. Think about a friend striking the perfect cords on his guitar which the entire campus could listen to. Wait before you think that all these are dreams.

Yes. It is a dream come true situation for the people who worked hard and tirelessly for the past five years to set up a radio station on the University of Hyderabad (UoH) campus. Finally, only a few formalities to be completed and UoH hopes to go on air by the end of the monsoon semester. This will be the first campus community radio in the State.

“But the programmes are not only meant for the student community. It will cater programmes to all the community which comes under the 10-km radius of the radio station,” says the brain behind the project, Prof. Vinod Pavarala, Dean of SN School of Arts and Communication.

Though the duration, genre and anchors of the programmes are not decided yet, there will be about two to three hour air-casting at the initial stage and the idea is to reach out to all kinds of audiences. The programmes will be for the youth after all. People from the nearby community could also come and do a small programme for this radio. “It will reach the Hi-tech city too. If a techie listening to it may also come and do a programme,” the Dean elaborates.

The radio station is going to be run and managed by the students specifically. There will be a Station Manager to monitor things. A small group of people from the university will look into the day-to-day affairs of the station. “At the same time there will be a university level Radio Council comprising of experts from different walks of life and headed by Pro-VC to look into the policy matters,” explains Prof. Pavarala.

“The present radio stations are not using the full potential of the concept. We are going to air cast different kinds of programmes,” says Prof. Pavarala. He aims at involving people from nearby places by sharing their views and experiences to the students. In this way the radio will not only be just for entertainment but also educational, creative and informative. He wants to make them feel that it is their radio as well!

So gear up for the big opportunity as SN School offers that one platform to make people hear our voices and make our presence felt.

Photographed by Midhun Raj U.R.

1 comment:

  1. Certainly lot of hardwork, imagination involved in setting up the radio station but the true success depends only when it reaches to max. no. of campus community.
    wishing you all the very S.N.School.
    Special wishes to Vasuki sir who has been workin very hard for this campus radio to materialise............

